Quelle: http://www.dameliogallery.com/artists/karin-sander?view=slider
Mailed Painting, Bonn-Berlin-New York 2007
white primed canvas
In München sah ich Kunstwerke von Karin Sander und war von ihrer Technik fasziniert.
Mailed Paintings nennt die Künstlerin ihre weißen Leinwände, die sie an
verschiedene Städte oder Länder per Post verschickt. Die Leinwände
bekommen bedingt durch ihre Reise von Postämtern und Zollbehörden verschiedene Marken,
Stempel, sowie Aufkleber mit Zieladressen. Aber auch Schmutz sammelt sich an
den Werken an.
Als ein Reise lover empfand ich diese Kunstwerke sofort als eine Metapher
für den heutigen Menschen, der ebenso flexibel und reisewillig sein muss. Karin
Sanders Leinwände haben ihre ganz eigene Geschichte, da jede Leinwand irgendwo
anders hin verreist und dementsprechend von verschiedenen Personen behandelt
Die Mailed Paintings stehen im Raum als eine andere Form von Kunst;
kräftig und anikonisch als ein Kommentar für die Instabilität unserer Welt.
In Munich I saw works by Karin Sander and was fascinated by her technique.
Mailed Paintings calls the artist her white canvases, which she sent to different cities or countries. The canvases get different brands, stamps, as well as stickers with destination addresses, due to their travel from post offices and customs authorities.
As a travel lover, I immediately saw these works as a metaphor for today's people, who must be flexible and willing to travel. Karin Sander's canvases have their own story, as every canvas is wandering somewhere else and treated by different people.
The Mailed Paintings stand in space as a different form of art; Strong and anonymous as a commentary on the instability of our world.
Mailed Paintings calls the artist her white canvases, which she sent to different cities or countries. The canvases get different brands, stamps, as well as stickers with destination addresses, due to their travel from post offices and customs authorities.
As a travel lover, I immediately saw these works as a metaphor for today's people, who must be flexible and willing to travel. Karin Sander's canvases have their own story, as every canvas is wandering somewhere else and treated by different people.
The Mailed Paintings stand in space as a different form of art; Strong and anonymous as a commentary on the instability of our world.
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